our promise

It has been my dream to open a physical therapy practice that specialized in the care of people I saw far too often. Individuals who spent months or years searching for a specialist, only to then be subject to the frustrations that plague our healthcare industry: long wait lists, lengthy administrative processes, insurance restrictions and fragmented care.

Following the birth of my daughter, I found myself a patient for the first time in many years. I was thrust into a body I didn’t know, that could not do the things I had always done while simultaneously learning how to be a mother for the first time. I had a great healthcare team but I was frustrated by the general acceptance of what is standard care for new moms. I sought out care for the hernia and diastasis I sustained during pregnancy from my co-workers at the end of our work days and wound up treating myself when insurance and scheduling issues halted my organized physical therapy visits.

Here I was, a physical therapist, and I was struggling. It gave me a newfound respect for the people who sat across from me during their physical therapy sessions after the endless frustrations of bouncing between healthcare providers,. It also gave me newfound purpose. I had to do more for the people to whom I devoted my professional life: the individual that got out of bed every morning with profound dizziness, the family that was caring for a loved one following a stroke, the parent who was navigating the changes in their child after another concussion, the mother who was in pain every time she picked up her child.

It is with great pride and joy that I welcome you to Ebb and Flow Physical Therapy. I cannot wait to meet you and help you reach your goals.